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Joanna Kolodziej

Participation in Conferences

  • Fifth International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC 2010), Fukuoka,Japan, 4-6.11.2010, Presentations: 'Modelling of User Requirements and Behaviors in Computational Grids', 'Game-theoretic, Market and Meta-Heuristics Approaches for Modelling Scheduling and Resource Allocation in Grid Systems', 'A Web Interface for Meta-Heuristics based Grid Schedulers'.
  • Parallel Problem Solving form Nature XI, Cracow, 11-15 September, 2010, Presentation: 'Secure and Task Abortion Aware GA-based Hybrid Metaheuristics for Grid Scheduling'
  • UKSim-IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation (UKSim2010), 24-26.03.2010, Cambridge, UK, Presentation "A Stackelberg Game for Modelling Asymmetric Users' Behaviour"
  • International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS 2010), Kraków, 15-18.02.2010, Presentation "A Game-Theoretic and Hybrid Genetic Meta-Heuristics Model for Security-Assured Scheduling of Independent Jobs in Computational Grids"
  • 23rd European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS 2009), 9-12.06.2009, Madrid, Spain, presentation "Hierarchic Genetic Scheduler of Independent Jobs in Computational Grid Environment"
  • XII KAEiOG, Zawoja 31.05 - 03.06.2009, presentation "An Application of Hierarchical Genetic Strategy insequential scheduling of permutated independent jobs"
  • 19th Internationale Wissenschaftliche Konferenz - Mittweida (Germany), 4-7.11.2008, presentation "Gammatical Models of Evolutionary Algorithms"
  • XI KAEiOG, Szymbark 31.05-02.06.2008, presentation "Grammar-based model of Hierarchical Genetic Strategy - preliminary study"
  • European Workshop on Intelligent Computational Methods and Applied Mathematics-ICMAM2008, Cracow, 28-31.03.2008
  • X KAEiOG, Będlewo, 11-13.06.2007
  • 21st European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS 2007), 3-7.06.2007, Praga, Czechy, presentation: "Hierarchical Evolutionary Search Method of Solving Non-cooperative Game Models of Selected Decision-Making Problems for Water Resource Management"
  • International Conference on "Parallel Computing in Electrical Engineering" (PARALEC 2006), 13-17.09.2006, Białystok, Poland, presentation: "HGSNash strategy as the decision-making method for water resource systems with external disagreement of interest"
  • GECCO 2006, Seattle, WA, USA, 8-13.07.2006
  • IX KAEiOG, 31.05-2.06.2006, Murzasichle, presentation: "An application of Erlang mixture distributions to modelling the reproduction mechanism in estimation of distribution algotithms"
  • Polish-German Education Platform Meeting, Dresden, 24-25.04.2006
  • IV Summer School in Potential theory, Debrecen, Hungary, 4-10.07.2005
  • VIII KAEiOG, Korbielów, 30.05-01.06.2005 presentation "The estimation of the population distibution by the mixture of Erlang distributions in evolutionary algorithms"
  • VII KAEiOG, Kazimierz Dolny, 24-26.05.2004 presentation "How accurately the infinite population model can approximate the behavior of an evolutionary algorithm"
  • VI Krajowa KAEiOG, Łagów Lubuski, 26-28.05.2003 presentation "Hierarchical Genetic Strategy with real number encoding"
  • IUTAM Symposium on Evolutionary Methods in Mechanics, Kraków, 24-27.09.2002 presentation "Hierarchical Genetic Strategy applied to the problem of identification of the coordinate measuring machine geometrical errors"
  • International Conference on "Parallel Computing in Electrical Engineering", Warsaw, 22-25.09.2002 presentation "Modelling Hierarchical Genetic Strategy as a Lindenmayer System"
  • Foundations of Genetic Algorithms (FOGA VII), A Workshop on Theoretical aspects of Evolutionary Computation, Torremolinos, Spain , 2-4.09.2002 presentation "Genetic Search Reinforced by the Population Hierarchy"
  • IV International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, Nałęczów, 9-12.09.2001 presentation "Modelling Hierachical Genetic Strategy as a Family of Markov Chains"
  • International Workshop "The Agent Day'2K", Cracow 16-17.03.2000
  • IV KAEiOG, L±dek Zdrój, 5-8.06.2000 presentation "How Simpletons Can Increase The Community Development - An Attempt To Hierarchical Genetic Computation"
  • III KAEiOG, Potok Złoty, 25-28.05.1999 presentation "Asymptotic Behavior of Simple Genetic Algorithm - Survey of Markov Model Results"
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