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Joanna Kołodziej

Joanna Kolodziej


Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience

Special Issue on

 Scalable Optimization in Grid, Cloud

and Intelligent Network Computing

Global optimization in large-scale distributed systems requires huge computations for complex objective functions. Conventional global optimization based on stochastic and probability algorithms cannot guarantee an actual global optimum with finite searching iteration. Scalability is a desirable feature for the optimization techniques in highly distributed dynamic environments, where the storage and computing capabilities can be spread over a wide geographical area. Intelligent Networks, such as grids, peer-to-peer, ad-hoc networks, constellations, and clouds enable the flexible routing and charging, advanced user interactions and the aggregation and sharing of geographically-distributed resources from different organization with distinct owners, administrators, and policies. With the advent of intelligent networks, where efficient inter-domain operation is one of the most important features, it is arguably required to investigate novel methods and techniques to enable secure access to data and resources, flexible communication, efficient scheduling, self-adaptation, decentralization, and self-organization.

The special issue will primarily encompass practical approaches that advance research in all aspects of scalable and high performance computing and optimization techniques in intelligent future generation networks. Successful contributions may range from advanced technologies, applications and innovative solutions to global optimization problems in scalable large-scale computing systems to development of methods, conceptual and theoretical models related to scalable HPC applications. We expect that this special issue will draw significant number of submissions, readership, and consequently numerous citations of the published contributions.

Recommended topic areas include, but are not limited to:

  •  Parallel/Distributed Meta- and Hyper-Heuristics Approaches in Global Optimization in Networking
  • Intelligent Wireless Networks
  • Energy-efficient Optimization in Computational Grid and Cloud Environments
  • Optimization in Green High Performance Computing
  • Intelligent Services and Web Intelligence in Parallel/Distributed Environments
  • Multi-Agent Systems in Large Distributed Environments
  • Data and Computing Intensive Applications
  • Intelligent Mechanisms/Heuristics/Rules for Scheduling, Resource Allocation and Management in P2P, Grid, Cluster, and Cloud Computing
  • Autonomic, Adaptive, and Self-organizing Networks
  • Large-scale Collaborative Problem Solving Environments
  • Large/Complex Machine Learning Environments
  • Trust, Integration, and Security in Grid, Cloud and Network Computing
  • Intelligent Integration of Complex Data and Processes
  •   Algorithms and Applications relating the above mentioned research areas



Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience




Guest Editors:

Joanna Kolodziej

University of Bielsko-Biala,
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Samee U. Khan

North Dakota State University,
Fargo, USA
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Erol Gelenbe

Imperial College, London, UK
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El-Ghazali Talbi

University of Lille, INRIA CNRS, France

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Prof. Geoffrey C. Fox

Indiana University,
Bloomington, USA
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Prof. Luc Moreau

University of Southampton
Southampton, UK
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Notes for the Authors

Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication. Full papers should be of 6,500 words in length and/or between 18 to 22 pages long. All papers will be reviewed on a double-blind basis.

A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/%28ISSN%291532-0634/homepage/ForAuthors.html

Important Dates

Full Papers Due:                                                                 June 15,         2012

Notification of Papers Provisional Acceptance:                          July 20,           2012

Final Paper Submission:                                                    September 26, 2012

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